Onboarding with SwiftHub

SwiftHub strives to make life easier for professional shippers. We understand that a major part of achieving this goal is ensuring that you can easily and quickly get started on our platform. Therefore, we have designed a thoughtful onboarding process for new shippers on SwiftHub.

This document provides an overview of our onboarding procedure to ensure that you are set up correctly and can seamlessly transition to our platform. By following the steps outlined below, you can start taking advantage of SwiftHub’s reliable service, predictable pricing, proactive support, and lower costs immediately.

Let’s begin.

Phase 1: Analyzing Carrier Spend

To initiate the SwiftHub journey, we will start by examining your shipping expenses. We will conduct an Impact Analysis to determine your current spending with your existing carriers, which will allow us to calculate the potential savings you can make by switching to SwiftHub.

This analysis will help us measure SwiftHub’ effect on your operations.

Phase 1 includes the following:

  • Providing your shipping data. This may include, but is not limited to, the following:
    • Number of orders
    • Warehouse locations
    • Parcel weights and dimensions
    • Amount spent
    • Destination zip codes
    • Package destinations
  • Performing an Impact Analysis using the provided information. This typically comes in the form of a spreadsheet that contains:
    • A summary of the average shipping prices you pay
    • A summary of the average weight of parcels you’ve shipped
    • Percentage of savings you’ll get when you use SwiftHub
    • Total available savings (dollar amounts) you’ll see when you switch to SwiftHub
    • Percentage of markets serviceable by SwiftHub
    • Average label cost and transit time per parcel when you switch to SwiftHub

Phase 2: Getting Shipments into Carrier Networks

To maximize the value you receive from SwiftHub, we need to get your shipments into our carrier networks. Therefore, before we set you up on our platform, we will analyze how your shipments move from point A to point B and determine how to get your shipments into the appropriate carrier networks.

Phase 2 includes the following:

  • Assessing which carrier networks are best suited for your shipments.
  • Identifying carrier pickups or line halls to facilitate shipments from outside our serviceable areas.

For example, if you have a warehouse in Torrance, CA, and a significant number of shipments going out to the West Coast with an average weight of 3 lbs, we will determine that SwiftHub can handle shipments coming from Torrance with a destination within the West Coast. This particular client used to pay $18.29 to ship these products, but SwiftHub was able to reduce the price to $6.62 (63.8% savings).

Phase 3: Integrating Your Tech Stack

SwiftHub works best when integrated into your shipping software. Fortunately, SwiftHub can seamlessly connect with leading shipping platforms like GiaoHangTietKiem, GHN, and other major carriers. Shippers who use other platforms are also welcome to develop custom integrations to link their systems with Tusk’s software.

Phase 3 includes the following:

  • Collaborating on your tech stack and determining the best integration path.
  • Setting up your account quickly by granting us access to your shipping software account, if applicable. By doing so, we can:
    • Set up your account quicker and make changes when needed.
    • Assist with filing claims. SwiftHub’s team can determine the item value amount to file a claim with the carrier.
    • Analyze your data to ensure you’re not missing out on any shipments that could go to SwiftHub.
    • Compare your data to conclude what savings (per parcel and overall) SwiftHub is driving for your business.
  • Providing what we can to ensure you can develop a custom integration if needed.

Phase 4: Implementation and Optimization

Once we complete the above steps, we will set you up in our system and assist with any administrative and technical requirements. We will work closely with you and your team to ensure that we can serve your shipping needs in the best way possible.

Phase 4 includes the following:

  • Understanding your operations to align and tailor our processes based on how you work. We will ask about the following:
    • Days of operations/holidays
    • Preferred communication channels (e.g., Zalo, email, phone, etc.)
    • Introduction to your customer support team
    • Your procedures around filing claims. (We can do that for you; we just need a contact to ask or a place to get item value information.)
  • Providing regular monthly reports on your shipping performance with SwiftHub. The report will contain the following:
    • The number of parcels you shipped with SwiftHub in a given month
    • The average SwiftHub label cost
    • The average cost with other carriers
    • Estimated savings per parcel
    • Estimated total label savings in a given month


Onboarding is a crucial part of your journey with SwiftHub Logistics, helping you start on the right foot and ensure that you get the most value from our platform. However, because every shipper is different, your onboarding experience may not look precisely like the one described here. Nevertheless, that is the beauty of working with SwiftHub. We tailor our processes to meet your requirements, helping you keep your shipping operations running as smoothly as possible.

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